I would like go to a wrestling school after I graduate from high school but I don't know where in LA is one. please if you know of some one tell me please.
Wrestling - 6 Answers
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You should drive around town and look! I dont live in CA
Its called google.... lol u can find anything there
In the Phone book or online directory.
this should help http://www.nwlwrestling.com/contacts-schools.html
Here's one that I know about since my friend is in it: http://www.santinobros.net/index.php I'll research for you. Try doing what the others said to do also by checking online or in a phone book. Edit: Here's another one. http://upw.com/uu/index.htm Some of the known people you should know "graduated" from here. John Cena, Samoa Joe, The Miz, Victoria, etc.
Here's one in San Bernadino. It's the same place where Melina trained. It's called the School of Hard Knocks. Hey I'm going there too after I graduate, maybe I'll see you around. EDIT: 3265 North "E"Street San Bernardino CA. 92405 (909) 886-5201