I am attending school in Los Angeles this fall any advice?
I am transferring to West Los Angeles College for this fall semester 2010 and will be living in a dorm for a semester. I plan on being a resident of California and wanted to know if you Californian residents can give me any advice. I two questions. I wanted to know a good place to find a place and a roommate. My second question is any advice on finding jobs around the Culver area. Thank you.
Studying Abroad - 3 Answers
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It's hot here and the tax is high.
To find a place to live: Go to http://losangeles.craigslist.org and look under Housing. You'll find ads posted by people looking for roommates and renting apartments, and browsing them is free. There's also Westside Rentals, but I think they charge a fee to use their service. To find a job: Again, Craigslist is a good place to start. But if you're looking for more part-time stuff, you might have to walk door to door to get it done faster. Some places don't even post jobs online.
ok someone recommended craigslist...but its alright..i wouldnt trust it this is what you need to kno about craigslist... u can find some legit ppl or some could just be weirdos trying to rape u or somesort....because anybody can post anything on craigslist...ANYbody! also yea u can also find jobs in craigslist. like i said some of them are legit but some other are scams if they ask u to pay a fee or whateveer its most likely a scam... most of them that are legit requires experience! so anyways... Housing: i would recommend that look around your college..they should have a bullentin around there with students posting rooms for rent..i attend Cerritos College, i know its a community college, but by our game room they have a bullentin, and it has all kinds of post for students who need rooms by the school...so im pretty sure they should have some right there, if you cant seem to find it, ask an adminstator they should know.. also if you go to like super markets u can see posting of rooms for rent..some might be students but sometimes families post them because their rent is to high..e.g my bf mom owns a house but since the mortgage is too high she rents the back part..everytime someone moves out, she rents it really fast i gues because her neiborhood is alright.she lives in the good side of lynwood... like right now she has a student renting tha back but the lady has like three kids... but yea getting back to the subject... Jobs: I would recommend the good o fasion way, go ask. You can try the fox hills mall in Culver City or the Creshaw Mall, the creshaw mall is alright just be careful if you are caucasian, indian, or asain, we are mainly use to africans and mexicans...they are alot of rude african americans that go to the creshaw mall or you can try snagajob.com it mainly post jobs from big compainies e.g taco bell, jiffylube etc or Carreerbuilder.com
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
High school film internships in Los Angeles?
High school film internships in Los Angeles?
I'm a high school student in Los Angeles and am looking for an internship at a studio or anywhere dealing with film. Any suggestions?
Primary & Secondary Education - 2 Answers
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colleges.mywebcommunity.org - I found such internship info here. It has lots of internships, job openings and scolarships for college students.
A lot of the internships at studios are only for college students. The best way to get in is knowing someone at the studio, or if your school has a connection to the studio. Some high schools have programs where you can get internships that usually only college students can get if they applied directly to the studio. Does your school have a job counselor? Ask them. If there is no job counselor, ask the person who handles the student job permits. Do you have a film makers club or class like they do at my son's school? Ask the teacher who runs the class. Network, the more people you tell what you're looking for, the better chance. (Lots of internships are like producer 1 hires producer 2's relative or friend, and producer 2 hires producer 1's relative or friend.) Some internships you might find on your own, like with small independent companies, are with sort of creepy people, so be careful, let your parent check out the situation. Google: movie industry internship Wade through all the websites. But remember, make sure your parent approves of the situation. Some internship info: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Burbank-CA/Warner-Bros-Internships/39356491498 http://www.warnerbroscareers.com/Search/ http://www.nbcunicareers.com/internships/la_ny_area/ http://abc.go.com/site/faq (General > #6) http://corporate.disney.go.com/careers/students.html http://www.cbscorporation.com/diversity/cbs_network/internships/index.php How to find an Internship: http://www.collegeboard.com/student/plan/high-school/8382.html My son has been interning for a well known production company during the summer since 8th grade. Good luck!
I'm a high school student in Los Angeles and am looking for an internship at a studio or anywhere dealing with film. Any suggestions?
Primary & Secondary Education - 2 Answers
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colleges.mywebcommunity.org - I found such internship info here. It has lots of internships, job openings and scolarships for college students.
A lot of the internships at studios are only for college students. The best way to get in is knowing someone at the studio, or if your school has a connection to the studio. Some high schools have programs where you can get internships that usually only college students can get if they applied directly to the studio. Does your school have a job counselor? Ask them. If there is no job counselor, ask the person who handles the student job permits. Do you have a film makers club or class like they do at my son's school? Ask the teacher who runs the class. Network, the more people you tell what you're looking for, the better chance. (Lots of internships are like producer 1 hires producer 2's relative or friend, and producer 2 hires producer 1's relative or friend.) Some internships you might find on your own, like with small independent companies, are with sort of creepy people, so be careful, let your parent check out the situation. Google: movie industry internship Wade through all the websites. But remember, make sure your parent approves of the situation. Some internship info: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Burbank-CA/Warner-Bros-Internships/39356491498 http://www.warnerbroscareers.com/Search/ http://www.nbcunicareers.com/internships/la_ny_area/ http://abc.go.com/site/faq (General > #6) http://corporate.disney.go.com/careers/students.html http://www.cbscorporation.com/diversity/cbs_network/internships/index.php How to find an Internship: http://www.collegeboard.com/student/plan/high-school/8382.html My son has been interning for a well known production company during the summer since 8th grade. Good luck!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Can you tell me some top high school in Los Angeles?
Can you tell me some top high school in Los Angeles?
I 'm going to move to Los Angeles, and i want find a good high school in Los Angeles. Also want know any good universal in Los Angeles, thanks for help me..
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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Are you looking at private high schools, or public? If public, you may not have much of a choice, beyond your family choosing where to live. If you are looking at private schools, Harvard/Westlake, the Brentwood School, the Archer School for Girls, the Marlborough School, and Marymount High School are good. For private schools, I hate to say it, but most of the L.A. Unified schools are terrible. Of them, the best seem to be in the San Fernando Valley. For example, El Camino Real High School, Taft High School, and Moorpark High School have repeatedly had teams who won the national academic decathlon. Palos Verdes High School is also supposed to be pretty good. When you say "universal", do you mean universities? There are a number of them, depending upon what kind of student you are. Cal Tech is one of the best universities in the country. UCLA and USC, along with the Claremont Colleges, have very strong national reputations. Occidental College and Loyola Marymount are regionally strong.
I 'm going to move to Los Angeles, and i want find a good high school in Los Angeles. Also want know any good universal in Los Angeles, thanks for help me..
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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Are you looking at private high schools, or public? If public, you may not have much of a choice, beyond your family choosing where to live. If you are looking at private schools, Harvard/Westlake, the Brentwood School, the Archer School for Girls, the Marlborough School, and Marymount High School are good. For private schools, I hate to say it, but most of the L.A. Unified schools are terrible. Of them, the best seem to be in the San Fernando Valley. For example, El Camino Real High School, Taft High School, and Moorpark High School have repeatedly had teams who won the national academic decathlon. Palos Verdes High School is also supposed to be pretty good. When you say "universal", do you mean universities? There are a number of them, depending upon what kind of student you are. Cal Tech is one of the best universities in the country. UCLA and USC, along with the Claremont Colleges, have very strong national reputations. Occidental College and Loyola Marymount are regionally strong.
What's the best high school in the Los Angeles Unified School District?
What's the best high school in the Los Angeles Unified School District?
I want to transfer to one of those high schools in September.
Primary & Secondary Education - 2 Answers
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huntington park high school is a cool school-the kids are better-but yeah were very low hah
I want to transfer to one of those high schools in September.
Primary & Secondary Education - 2 Answers
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huntington park high school is a cool school-the kids are better-but yeah were very low hah
Monday, January 24, 2011
where is a bartending school in los angeles?
where is a bartending school in los angeles?
i am 22 years old and currently going to school, but soon need to take a semester off and find a better job so i can continue school...i would like to go to a bartending school and learn the skills and get a job hopefully...Please let me know where is a cheap place to go, where i can learn about the drinks, and anything else to know...i have done some research of my own but rather hear yours too...thank you for your time.
Beer, Wine & Spirits - 2 Answers
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The best advice I got when I was looking was to try and bar back somewhere first or volunteer your time and get some experience. Most of the time bars don't care about your credentials so school turns out to be a waste of time and money. They want to see that you have actual real life experience. I would recommend memorizing as many drinks as you can and looking at a free bartending online tips types thing. Watch the bartenders at your local bar, ask questions and see if you can start barbacking somewhere to get your foot in the door. Good luck!
Bartending School of Los Angeles, California 2235 North Lake Avenue Suite 205 Altadena, CA 91001 Click for Map Toll Free 1-888-COCKTAIL (1-888-262-5824) Call 8 AM - 10 PM, 7 Days a Week You have made the right choice for your future! At ABC Bartending School we teach professional bartending techniques to carry you successfully into your future as a bartender. We have been teaching students to bartend and placing bartenders nationwide since 1977! Call today to take a free intro class at any of our bartending school locations including Los Angeles, California. The bar/nightclub and hospitality industry is growing fast. New restaurants, hotels, and clubs are opening creating new opportunities for bartenders. ABC Bartending School can give you the bartending skills necessary to start working immediately after graduation. Los Angeles bartenders are known for their ability to make great money while meeting new people and having lots of fun at their jobs. Imagine the endless possibilities bartending in fashionable restaurants, exclusive resorts and hotels, hot nightclubs, popular sports bars and even cruise ships! We have nationwide locations and offer free job placement assistance to our bartending school graduates. Our placement staff is here to help you find work throughout the Los Angeles area, as well as nationally, on an ongoing basis. Free refresher courses are available to all our graduates. Los Angeles Bartending School Schedule 2 Weeks Morning Mon. - Fri. 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM 2 Weeks Afternoon Mon. - Fri. 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM 2 Weeks Evening Mon. - Fri. 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM 2 1/2 Weeks Evening Mon. - Thurs. 6:00 PM -10:00 PM 1 Week Accelerated Mon. - Fri. 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM 1 Week Accelerated Mon. - Fri. 1:00 PM - 10:00 PM *Adjusted Schedules are available.
i am 22 years old and currently going to school, but soon need to take a semester off and find a better job so i can continue school...i would like to go to a bartending school and learn the skills and get a job hopefully...Please let me know where is a cheap place to go, where i can learn about the drinks, and anything else to know...i have done some research of my own but rather hear yours too...thank you for your time.
Beer, Wine & Spirits - 2 Answers
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The best advice I got when I was looking was to try and bar back somewhere first or volunteer your time and get some experience. Most of the time bars don't care about your credentials so school turns out to be a waste of time and money. They want to see that you have actual real life experience. I would recommend memorizing as many drinks as you can and looking at a free bartending online tips types thing. Watch the bartenders at your local bar, ask questions and see if you can start barbacking somewhere to get your foot in the door. Good luck!
Bartending School of Los Angeles, California 2235 North Lake Avenue Suite 205 Altadena, CA 91001 Click for Map Toll Free 1-888-COCKTAIL (1-888-262-5824) Call 8 AM - 10 PM, 7 Days a Week You have made the right choice for your future! At ABC Bartending School we teach professional bartending techniques to carry you successfully into your future as a bartender. We have been teaching students to bartend and placing bartenders nationwide since 1977! Call today to take a free intro class at any of our bartending school locations including Los Angeles, California. The bar/nightclub and hospitality industry is growing fast. New restaurants, hotels, and clubs are opening creating new opportunities for bartenders. ABC Bartending School can give you the bartending skills necessary to start working immediately after graduation. Los Angeles bartenders are known for their ability to make great money while meeting new people and having lots of fun at their jobs. Imagine the endless possibilities bartending in fashionable restaurants, exclusive resorts and hotels, hot nightclubs, popular sports bars and even cruise ships! We have nationwide locations and offer free job placement assistance to our bartending school graduates. Our placement staff is here to help you find work throughout the Los Angeles area, as well as nationally, on an ongoing basis. Free refresher courses are available to all our graduates. Los Angeles Bartending School Schedule 2 Weeks Morning Mon. - Fri. 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM 2 Weeks Afternoon Mon. - Fri. 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM 2 Weeks Evening Mon. - Fri. 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM 2 1/2 Weeks Evening Mon. - Thurs. 6:00 PM -10:00 PM 1 Week Accelerated Mon. - Fri. 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM 1 Week Accelerated Mon. - Fri. 1:00 PM - 10:00 PM *Adjusted Schedules are available.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
How much money do middle school and high school teachers make in Los Angeles?
How much money do middle school and high school teachers make in Los Angeles?
I was wondering if anybody knows how much money middle school and high school teachers make in Los Angeles? Can you please tell me how much they make per week, month, and year.
Teaching - 2 Answers
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i want to know the same thing!!!!
Pay varies depending on the district you work for, and if your school is private, charter or public. I work in LAUSD, the biggest district in california - it covers most of Los Angeles. Pay is the same for elementary or secondary. I teach middle school and this is my pay chart: http://certificated.lausd.k12.ca.us/Research/documents/salarytables/ttableannual.pdf So take the amount and divide by 12 - we get paid monthly. good luck!
I was wondering if anybody knows how much money middle school and high school teachers make in Los Angeles? Can you please tell me how much they make per week, month, and year.
Teaching - 2 Answers
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i want to know the same thing!!!!
Pay varies depending on the district you work for, and if your school is private, charter or public. I work in LAUSD, the biggest district in california - it covers most of Los Angeles. Pay is the same for elementary or secondary. I teach middle school and this is my pay chart: http://certificated.lausd.k12.ca.us/Research/documents/salarytables/ttableannual.pdf So take the amount and divide by 12 - we get paid monthly. good luck!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
What school in Los Angeles has a major for Multimedia Communications?
What school in Los Angeles has a major for Multimedia Communications?
I'm looking for a school in Southern California that has the major Multimedia Communications, I know the Academy of Art University does but do any other schools?
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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Los Angeles City College
I'm looking for a school in Southern California that has the major Multimedia Communications, I know the Academy of Art University does but do any other schools?
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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Los Angeles City College
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
how long is the probation period for the los angeles unified school district? When you start as a new employee?
Community Service - 1 Answers
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3 months
how long is the probation period for the los angeles unified school district? When you start as a new employee?
Community Service - 1 Answers
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3 months
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Is it weird for a guy to take the SAT's at Marlborough High School Los Angeles?
Is it weird for a guy to take the SAT's at Marlborough High School Los Angeles?
Help!!! I signed up for the SAT's for November 2010 at Marlborough, which is an all girls school, but i havent noticed until after i registered. I need someone whose had this experience and tell me if guys will come also so that I'm not the only one! THNX
Primary & Secondary Education - 2 Answers
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HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAH that's HILARIOUS! why would you take it there? And I'm sure you're fine....it doesn't really matter who else is in the room or where you take it as long as you do well, right? They would have told you if there was an issue with boys coming (and the SATs are on Saturday so it's not like school will be in session anyways) Just focus on studying. (and maybe you'll get lucky and some of the girls will be boy-deprived!) Good luck!
No, not a problem at all. The school is just being used as a facility for the SAT, it's not like you're attending the school. Really, don't feel uncomfortable and don't worry about it, it's not a big deal at all. Kids sign up for whichever location and date works for them, there will be lots of other guys there. And if you're still nervous, consider how structured taking the SAT is, the strict rules, etc. Of course they would have mentioned if it was a girls only SAT. If you don't believe me, call them. SAT Program Customer Service (866) 756-7346 M - F 5am to 6pm PST (8am to 9pm EST) But trust me, dude, I'm a mom. Good luck!
Help!!! I signed up for the SAT's for November 2010 at Marlborough, which is an all girls school, but i havent noticed until after i registered. I need someone whose had this experience and tell me if guys will come also so that I'm not the only one! THNX
Primary & Secondary Education - 2 Answers
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HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAH that's HILARIOUS! why would you take it there? And I'm sure you're fine....it doesn't really matter who else is in the room or where you take it as long as you do well, right? They would have told you if there was an issue with boys coming (and the SATs are on Saturday so it's not like school will be in session anyways) Just focus on studying. (and maybe you'll get lucky and some of the girls will be boy-deprived!) Good luck!
No, not a problem at all. The school is just being used as a facility for the SAT, it's not like you're attending the school. Really, don't feel uncomfortable and don't worry about it, it's not a big deal at all. Kids sign up for whichever location and date works for them, there will be lots of other guys there. And if you're still nervous, consider how structured taking the SAT is, the strict rules, etc. Of course they would have mentioned if it was a girls only SAT. If you don't believe me, call them. SAT Program Customer Service (866) 756-7346 M - F 5am to 6pm PST (8am to 9pm EST) But trust me, dude, I'm a mom. Good luck!
Friday, January 14, 2011
How much does it cost for a one year scholarship at the Los Angeles Film School?
How much does it cost for a one year scholarship at the Los Angeles Film School?
I'm thinking about going there at the end of this year. Not a scholarship I meant how much does it cost to study there for one year, sorry. I feel like an idiot.
Photography - 3 Answers
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.... do you under stand the concept of a scholarship??? you don't pay for a scholarship.
$30,4000. Look in the Film School Cost Analysis box on the right about halfway down the page. http://www.artschools.com/articles/filmschools/finaid-scholarships WTH, I give the asker a link to the exact info asked for and some idiot gives me a thumbs down???
I'm thinking about going there at the end of this year. Not a scholarship I meant how much does it cost to study there for one year, sorry. I feel like an idiot.
Photography - 3 Answers
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.... do you under stand the concept of a scholarship??? you don't pay for a scholarship.
$30,4000. Look in the Film School Cost Analysis box on the right about halfway down the page. http://www.artschools.com/articles/filmschools/finaid-scholarships WTH, I give the asker a link to the exact info asked for and some idiot gives me a thumbs down???
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Tell me anything you know about Central Los Angeles High School of the Visual and Performing Art 9?
Tell me anything you know about Central Los Angeles High School of the Visual and Performing Art 9?
Also is there a bus system or do you know of any transportation to get there, and how do you apply to get in? Please answer. I really want to go there. :)
Performing Arts - 1 Answers
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Uh i go there. Um, the school's going thorugh some rough times. Like go there if you wanna do the arts. Academics aren't too amazing. There's lots of shakeups in administration. Email me if you wanna know more...I'll be glad to tell you more stuff about the school cause i dont really wanna type EVERYTHING I KNOW ABOUT IT without specific questions. ....... In my opinion, its not as amazing as it seems.... It's average, but good for arts. There is no school bus transportation to get there. You must get trasnportation yourself. Also, its hard to get in if you don't live in the area. LAUSD mandated that 70 percent of the studetns must come from the immediate area of the school. and it's extremely late to apply. you can still try to though. if you live in the area, you apply thorugh the belmont zone school of choice i think? if not, its a whole different application. I woudln't know too much because when i applied, you basically just had to write a letter to the school about wanting to go there.
Also is there a bus system or do you know of any transportation to get there, and how do you apply to get in? Please answer. I really want to go there. :)
Performing Arts - 1 Answers
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Uh i go there. Um, the school's going thorugh some rough times. Like go there if you wanna do the arts. Academics aren't too amazing. There's lots of shakeups in administration. Email me if you wanna know more...I'll be glad to tell you more stuff about the school cause i dont really wanna type EVERYTHING I KNOW ABOUT IT without specific questions. ....... In my opinion, its not as amazing as it seems.... It's average, but good for arts. There is no school bus transportation to get there. You must get trasnportation yourself. Also, its hard to get in if you don't live in the area. LAUSD mandated that 70 percent of the studetns must come from the immediate area of the school. and it's extremely late to apply. you can still try to though. if you live in the area, you apply thorugh the belmont zone school of choice i think? if not, its a whole different application. I woudln't know too much because when i applied, you basically just had to write a letter to the school about wanting to go there.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Is there such thing as a discount lawyer for employees of The Los Angeles Unified School District?
Is there such thing as a discount lawyer for employees of The Los Angeles Unified School District?
I was having a conversation, and this person mentioned that LAUSD has a provided lawyer for it's employees. I was wondering if anybody knew if this was true or if you have any contact information? Please let me know, Thanks :)
Other - Education - 2 Answers
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I think the person you were talking to meant in case you become involved with a legal matter that occurs in the school. Like, if example, a parent decides to sue you for something that occurs in the classroom, the district will provide you with an attorney to help in the proceedings. I could be wrong, though, but I've never heard of a district having employee discounts for lawyers for other issues.
Sometimes unions provide legal insurance or at least discounts for their members. You could try calling your union.
I was having a conversation, and this person mentioned that LAUSD has a provided lawyer for it's employees. I was wondering if anybody knew if this was true or if you have any contact information? Please let me know, Thanks :)
Other - Education - 2 Answers
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I think the person you were talking to meant in case you become involved with a legal matter that occurs in the school. Like, if example, a parent decides to sue you for something that occurs in the classroom, the district will provide you with an attorney to help in the proceedings. I could be wrong, though, but I've never heard of a district having employee discounts for lawyers for other issues.
Sometimes unions provide legal insurance or at least discounts for their members. You could try calling your union.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Is California State University, Los Angeles a good school?
Is California State University, Los Angeles a good school?
First of all, I am from Melbourne, Australia. I'm thinking of applying there when I finish high school. I'm interested in doing an undergraduate degree in social work... I checked the website and they offer it. I was just wondering if I have a chance of being accepted as an international student? Also I would like to know if it looks good on your resume, and what the neighbourhood is like? And also how far it is from the city of Los Angeles? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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their ranked #26 in the state so i wouldn't consider that good. but it depends on what you like. i think you're a good candidate being a international student and all. and the city of los angeles is chaotic...and very busy. but i would love to go to california. good luck!
First of all, I am from Melbourne, Australia. I'm thinking of applying there when I finish high school. I'm interested in doing an undergraduate degree in social work... I checked the website and they offer it. I was just wondering if I have a chance of being accepted as an international student? Also I would like to know if it looks good on your resume, and what the neighbourhood is like? And also how far it is from the city of Los Angeles? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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their ranked #26 in the state so i wouldn't consider that good. but it depends on what you like. i think you're a good candidate being a international student and all. and the city of los angeles is chaotic...and very busy. but i would love to go to california. good luck!
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
When did the suicide at Franklin High School, Los Angeles california happen?
When did the suicide at Franklin High School, Los Angeles california happen?
I'm trying to do an article for my school newspaper, and i wanted to know when the girl committed suicide, off the balcony, at Franklin High School, in Los Angeles, California.!! i really need to know when she did die, even if its just the year!!
Weddings - 2 Answers
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Is there a news forum on here? Those people might have a better idea than the people on the wedding forum. Sorry I can't help you. Scroll down: http://www.carpenoctem.tv/haunt/ca/ EDIT: You're a reporter, so it's time to learn to investigate. Call Franklin High School and ask them if you can't find the date on the internet. Maybe that will work. Good luck
why post this in the wedding section? makes no sense. look it up on yahoo or google.
I'm trying to do an article for my school newspaper, and i wanted to know when the girl committed suicide, off the balcony, at Franklin High School, in Los Angeles, California.!! i really need to know when she did die, even if its just the year!!
Weddings - 2 Answers
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Is there a news forum on here? Those people might have a better idea than the people on the wedding forum. Sorry I can't help you. Scroll down: http://www.carpenoctem.tv/haunt/ca/ EDIT: You're a reporter, so it's time to learn to investigate. Call Franklin High School and ask them if you can't find the date on the internet. Maybe that will work. Good luck
why post this in the wedding section? makes no sense. look it up on yahoo or google.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
where are summer nursing internships for high school seniors in Los Angeles, CA?
where are summer nursing internships for high school seniors in Los Angeles, CA?
I am looking for summer internships in the Los Angeles area for nursing. I am a high school senior next year and I need to get a summer internship.
Health Care - 0 Answers
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You can't get into a nursing internship unless you are a current nursing student. Internships are typically offered in the summer to nursing students who are one year away from graduating from their nursing program and earning their license. They do not take high school students. I would suggest looking into getting certified as a nursing assistant and just getting a summer job working as a CNA.
I am looking for summer internships in the Los Angeles area for nursing. I am a high school senior next year and I need to get a summer internship.
Health Care - 0 Answers
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You can't get into a nursing internship unless you are a current nursing student. Internships are typically offered in the summer to nursing students who are one year away from graduating from their nursing program and earning their license. They do not take high school students. I would suggest looking into getting certified as a nursing assistant and just getting a summer job working as a CNA.
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is third street school animated realy belong to the real one in los Angeles? The adress is: third street school Los Angeles South June stre...
Does anyone know what the Los Angeles Recording School's tuition costs are generally? I'm thinking about going to LA to go to scho...
do anyone know if is there a GOOD actor's school in LOS ANGELES to indicate? I was planning to go to TVI actors studio in LA, but i re...
Is it weird for a guy to take the SAT's at Marlborough High School Los Angeles? Help!!! I signed up for the SAT's for November 201...
how can I find a good public high school in los angeles? My daughter is going to high school next year, now she is in private school, but...